LFP People for Climate Action is holding a second Lake Forest Park Town Hall Meeting on Climate on Saturday, April 23, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., via Zoom.
Celebrate Earth Day by thinking about and planning what you can do about climate. Save the date and register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZItduutrzojHtNGlVEsRRgNEEQ1WrrV0…
The keynote speaker will be talking about climate anxiety and hope. This will be followed by a local professor sharing the local implications of climate action.
Other elements of the program include a youth panel and breakout rooms with information and action on e-Bikes, e-Vehicles, Home Energy Audits, Recycling and Composting, Planting with Natives, and Reading about Climate.
For more information contact lfptownhall@gmail.com
Original source can be found here.