Elected officials, transit executives, project staff, and community stakeholders gathered together on Wednesday, July 20 to celebrate completion of the SR 522 Stage 3 Project.
Construction on roadway improvements between 96th Ave NE in Bothell and 83rd Ave NE in Kenmore began in April 2019. The project included:
Widening general-purpose lanes
Adding Business Access Transit (BAT) lanes in both directions
Creating a sidewalk on the north side of the road that connects to our regional trail system
Installing center medians and street lights
Relocating utilities underground
"Our community is thrilled for the completion of SR 522 Phase 3. Bus Rapid Transit helps us create a downtown Bothell that is walkable and vibrant while supporting more badly
needed housing in the downtown core. It is essential to help us get around but also to achieve our housing and climate goals," Mayor Thompson shared.
Project completion marks the opening of BAT lanes, an important milestone for Sound Transit’s Stride S3 bus rapid transit line project, currently scheduled to open in 2026. The
dedicated lanes, which are now open for use by King County Metro and ST Express buses, will facilitate fast, frequent and reliable bus service connecting Bothell to the Shoreline
South Link station.
“The opening of these dedicated lanes is the first major milestone for our Stride program along the I-405 and SR 522 corridor,” said Sound Transit Interim CEO Brooke Belman.
“These lanes provide the framework for the speedy and reliable service that is the heart of the Stride program. Even before the S3 line opens, transit passengers are now able to
enjoy the advantages that these lanes offer.”
The Stride S3 line will cover eight miles and serve 14 stations. Thanks in large part to the BAT lanes, the anticipated travel time between Bothell and the Shoreline South Link
station will be just 22 minutes. Learn more about the Stride S3 line project.
Original source can be found here.