Earlier this Spring, the City of Lake Forest Park established the City’s first Climate Action Committee with a mission to develop equitable measures to reduce locally-generated
greenhouse gas emissions and protect our environment and residents from the harmful effects of climate change.
Extreme flooding and massive storms, unprecedented heat domes and worldwide wildfires, unimaginable widespread droughts and disappearing lakes like Lake Mead, and the
ever-concerning rising ocean levels are daily reminders of the issues that the world is facing. The effects of climate change can be felt here at home in Lake Forest Park –
remember the dense wildfires of last September and the scorching heat in late June. Climate change is impacting not only how we live, but it’s also impacting the quality of the
salmon habitat in McAleer and Lyon Creeks, our trees are under stress from extreme heat, and pollinators are challenged by heat induced early blooming.
The Climate Action Committee is working to develop a Climate Action Plan that represents the priorities and concerns of all City residents and we need your engagement. Please
watch for future neighborhood meetings, surveys seeking your feedback, data collection, and other educational information on how you can help combat the effects of climate
Join the Climate Action Committee (CAC) Notify Me list, go to: https://www.cityoflfp.com/list.aspx?ListID=291
Keep your eye out on the City’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and eNews for news and updates. Together we can reduce our contribution to climate change and prepare for its
Original source can be found here.