Live in Lake Forest Park? Interested in recreation? Take advantage of recreation programs offered through the City of Shoreline. Lake Forest Park residents are eligible for a 24-hour
early registration period prior to the start of each season’s programs plus an 8% discount on all program fees (not rentals) through the entire year! LFP Residents early registration
for Fall 2022 begins August 25, 2022 at 8:00 a.m.
The City of Shoreline’s new recreation/rental registration system is now live and their registration page has a new look. All your past account information is there at: You will use your same username (your email) to access your account; however, you will need to create a new password. Click “forgot
Password” and it will send a link to your email to set a new password.
You can also visit for more information and as always, give them a call at 206-801-2600 with any questions.
Reminder, LFP offers scholarship reimbursements for eligible youth and specialized recreation participants who reside in the City and are registered for and attend cultural,
recreation, or aquatic programs and camps. For more information, go to our webpage or call City Hall, 206-368-5440.
Original source can be found here.